Mobile POS
We have launched Mobile POSes in stores of our first client. Their goal is to shorten queues during periods of greatest traffic in stores. It is scheduled that by the end of 2015 Mobile POSes will be run in the first 100-200 stores of this client. The Mobile POS application runs on tablets under Windows. POS application can work with a fiscal printer and a PIN Pad equipped with a LAN interface - this applies in cases where the mobile cashier, equipped with a tablet, operates the Mobile POS within a short distance from the place where other devices are installed, and where customers can pack their purchases. There are also solutions for a fully mobile cashier, who carries all of the devices, powered by batteries - a PIN Pad (with communication via Wi-Fi) as well as a mobile fiscal printer which communicates via Bluetooth.
We plan to create a mobile POS that runs on Android.